A few readers who saw my post on turning down a book deal understood that I no longer wished to publish a cookbook. Au contraire! Rather, I realized the value in working with an agent who could advise and advocate for me. It was too late to go that route with that particular publisher, but I've been researching and contacting literary agents. In the meantime, I'm testing a slew of recipes behind the scenes. (UPDATE: I did publish a cookbook!)
In the past week I've made:
- 3 coffeecakes
- 3 crisps
- 1 pie
- 1 pound cake
- 1 oven pancake
- 1 batch of turnovers
- ice cream
- and this tart
That is way too much sweet stuff to have in one's apartment. (Though somehow, I still managed to polish off a bar of chocolate as well.) In any case, my coping mechanism is:
a) take a vigorous yoga class daily
b) fob off baked goods on yoga teacher
Back in January, I made two resolutions: (this post is getting very list-y)
1) take an early morning yoga class just once
2) switch my bank to a credit union
I've never been a morning person, so I felt that dragging my tired bones out of bed at 6:30 am in order to get massacred in pretzel-like poses would be a fun challenge. Jay decided to join me, and we somehow managed to get ourselves hooked on the 7:30 am classes at San Francisco's Yoga Mayu, a beautiful studio owned by our friend and neighbor Gizella.
I found it so nice to roll out of bed and, before I could second-guess myself or become engrossed in taking BuzzFeed quizzes working, pull on some stretchy pants and take a stroll in the morning air down to the studio for a can of daily whoop-ass. As a bonus, it got me up and energized, leaving time during the few precious hours of Winter daylight to take pictures of food.
So while the second resolution has yet to be resolved, and what little money I have is still being controlled by a shanky big bank that thinks it's cool to change the terms of my account and begin charging me monthly fees for having less money than they now require (thanks, guys), the early morning yoga habit stuck.
One of the teachers, Roy Gan, is beautiful inside and out and, like all good yoga teachers, has a bit of a sadistic streak. He refers to his morning class as "espresso," enjoys laughing evilly while he holds us in some torturous abdominal exercise, and works us so hard that we are often able to wring out our clothes after class.
I brought Roy a slice of this tart the other day, and was surprised to find him unfamiliar with rhubarb. With rhubarb being so trendy these days in the foodblogosphere, I forget sometimes that not everyone is acquainted with the plant that looks like celery but tastes like lemon and flowers. Roy looked at the rosy stalks, clearly puzzled. "What is this?" he asked.
I considered how to describe rhubarb to someone who had never tasted it. The closest cousin to rhubarb is celery in terms of its stalk-like nature, but the thought of a sweet celery pie or tart never elicits gustatory excitement in the recipient. Still, I couldn't stop myself from blurting, "It's kind of like celery, only...different."
Roy eyed the stalks warily. "Yeah," he said, "I thought so."
I thought that perhaps a bite of buttery crust, pillowy almond paste and tender, sweet rhubarb would wipe the disgusted expression from Roy's face, but instead he remained a study in politeness and said, "The crust is very good."
While I learned anew that rhubarb isn't for everyone, I was at least glad that my flaky, gluten-free crust passed the Roy test. The right flour blend and a few sneaky techniques – namely cold butter left in big chunks, a fraisage to bring the dough together, and a bit of rolling and folding à la puff pastry – makes the dough nearly as flaky as a wheat-based dough. It stands up well to the filling, staying crisp even days after baking.
I adapted a favorite citrus tart, a Big Sur Bakery Cookbook inspiration that I posted last year at the request of my friend Amelia. A simple frangipane of sorts made from almonds, sugar, butter, and eggs tops a large rectangle of dough whose edges fold over to form a crust. The rhubarb stalks are simply halved lengthwise (or quartered if very thick), then laid across the tart over the almond paste and sprinkled with sugar. A stint in a hot oven leaves them perfectly tender. I drizzle the tart with runny honey and cut it into squares that are easy to devour out of and; no fussy plates or forks necessary.
The finished product reminds me of an almond croissant, shatteringly crisp and fragrant with almond, plus tangy freshness from the meltingly tender rhubarb.
Regardless, I probably won't be bringing Roy anymore of this tart. Unlike him, I'm not that sadistic.
Many thanks to Jay's mom Mary for the multi-hued hen's eggs and chubby rhubarb stalks that made this tart extra-awesome!
More Rhubarb Recipes:
- Hibiscus Rhubarb + Haupia {Coconut Milk Pudding}
- Strawberry Rhubarb Bourbon Cobbler with Ginger Oat Scones
- Rhubarb Bourbon Brown Butter Tart with Almond Crust
- Gluten Free Apple Cobbler with Maple & Rhubarb
- Rhubarb Chutney
Bojon appétit! For more Bojon Gourmet in your life, follow along on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or Pinterest, purchase my award-winning gluten-free baking cookbook Alternative Baker, or subscribe to receive new posts via email. And if you make this rhubarb galette, I’d love to know. Leave a comment and rating below, and tag your Instagram snaps @The_Bojon_Gourmet and #bojongourmet.

Gluten-Free Rhubarb Frangipane Galette
Print Recipe Pin RecipeIngredients
For the almond paste:
- 1 cup sliced almonds (or whole or slivered almonds) (3.25 ounces / 90 grams)
- 6 tablespoons sugar (2.5 ounces / 75 grams)
- 1/4 cup sweet rice flour (1.5 ounces / 40 grams)
- 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
- 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened (3 ounces / 85 grams)
- 2 smallish eggs, plus 1 more for brushing the tart (or 1 1/2 large eggs, other half of egg reserved for brushing the tart)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
For finishing the tart:
- 1 recipe Gluten-Free All-Butter Pie Dough fraisaged, and roll-fold-rolled
- oat flour for rolling the dough
- 5 - 6 medium stalks rhubarb, at least 14" long
- about 3 tablespoons sugar, for sprinkling
- about 4 tablespoons honey, for drizzling
Make the almond paste:
- In the body of a food processor, combine the almonds, sugar, rice flour and salt. Process until the almonds are finely ground. Add the softened butter, eggs, vanilla and almond extracts and process to a paste. If the paste is very runny, cover and chill for 20-30 minutes until firm.
Shape the tart:
- If the dough is cold, let it stand at room temperature until slightly softened, 5 minutes in a warm kitchen or 15 minutes in a cool kitchen. Sandwich the dough between two pieces of parchment paper dusted lightly with oat flour, and gently begin pressing it flat, then rolling it into a 12x16" rectangle. As you work, periodically peel back the top piece of parchment, dust the dough lightly with flour, replace the parchment, grasp the dough sandwich with both hands and flip the whole thing over. Peel off the new top piece of parchment, dust with flour, and continue to roll. If the dough is uneven, cut off the long bits and press them onto the short bits, rolling to adhere. When your rectangle is 12x16", trim the sides so that they're even and straight. (If your dough becomes soft or sticky at any point, slip it onto a baking sheet, parchment and all, and chill it for 10-20 minutes to firm the butter.)
- Slide the dough onto a sheet pan, still on the parchment. Spread the almond paste over the dough, leaving a 1" border all the way around. Gently fold over the edges to make a crust. Chill the dough until firm, 30 minutes.
- Position a rack in the lower third of the oven and preheat to 400ºF.
- Trim your rhubarb stalks the length of the dough, then cut them in half lengthwise (or in quarters if they're very fat). When the dough has chilled, lay the rhubarb across the dough, placing the stalks fairly close together. Brush the edges of the tart with the beaten egg. Sprinkle the sugar all over the rhubarb and crust.
- Bake the tart until the almond paste is golden and puffed and the rhubarb is tender, 30-35 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool. Just before serving, drizzle all over with the honey, and cut into 12 rectangles.
- The tart is best the day of baking. It will keep at cool room temperature for up to 1 day, and refrigerated for up to 3 days.
Danguole says
Those honey-drizzle action shots, oh my! Astounding.
I think Roy just needs a little more time with rhubarb... And I also admire the heck out of your early-morning routine. That's commitment.
Alanna says
Thanks, lady! I had too much fun shooting those. Hm, did I fail to mention that the class is only three days a week? *bats eyes innocently*
Jennifer @ Delicious Everyday says
I'm so glad you hear you are still pursuing a cookbook deal. I'm sure the end result, when you find the right publisher, will be wonderful. I'll definitely be in line to get my copy. By the way, those photos of the honey drizzling are just beautiful. :)
Alanna says
Aw, thanks, friend! Speaking of books, I just got your fabulous ebook - so lovely! That cover shot positively slays me. :)
Laura (Tutti Dolci) says
Absolutely stunning, I'm in love with your honey drizzle!
Alanna says
Thanks, Laura! I feel the same way about your cherry crumb bars.
PANG says
I am one of those who have never cooked/tried Rhubarb even though there are Rhubarb recipes everywhere I turn. But then when you say, "The finished product reminds me of an almond croissant..." Ok, enough said, lady. I will definitely Rhubarb now, esp. your recipe :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos as always. Also, I am waiting for your cookbook, seriously :)
Alanna says
Aww! Thanks, Pang. I think you'll get hooked once you try it - so tangy and complex and utterly unique. :) BTW, your photos are out of control!
Pang says
woopeeeeee :)
AmandaPaa says
Alanna, this looks life changing! It is so beautiful. And I think the way you are going about the book is awesome. The publisher that gets you is one lucky team!
Alanna says
What a sweet thing to say. Thank you, dear friend. I'm still dreaming of your rhuberry crumble pie. :)
Laura (Blogging Over Thyme) says
This is so, so stunning! Your photos are incredible. I just discovered your blog and absolutely love it!
Alanna says
Thanks so much for the sweet words, Laura! I'm digging your site, too. :)
Ana Kamin says
If I wouldn't be on whole30 I would come over to taste this! It looks so delious, as eveb if Rhubarb is a big thing in Germany I have never really tasted it too!c
Alanna says
Thanks, Ana! You are so strong - I can't believe you resisted my attempts at force feeding you hot butterscotch. ;)
Valentina Duracinsky says
not only does this look delicious it also is absolutely beautiful! wow
Alanna says
Aw! Thanks, Valentina.
Anonymous says
wow those photos are AWESOME!!! <3 <3 i never manage to take decent photos while cooking.. i should have an assistant or so :))
Alanna says
Aw, thank you! These cooking shoots take me FOREVER - I wouldn't mind an assistant, either. ;)
Lilli @ Sugar and Cinnamon says
If you make a cookbook I want to be the very first person to buy a copy! And you should definitely include this beautiful tart :) The photos are absolutely stunning. (PS who couldn't love rhubarb...)
Alanna says
What sweet things to say - thank you, Lilli!!!
Cheri Savory Spoon says
Lovely tart and beautiful pictures. Impressed with your work-out routine especially if in the beginning you were not a morning person. Also impressive is you understanding what you need in order to write the cookbook you want and following it.
Alanna says
Thanks so much for the kind words, Cheri. You are too sweet. <3
aweekfromthursday says
What a beautiful tart and perfect styling. I've never baked with rhubarb, but this seems like a winner. Also loving the "rooting for rhubarb" alliteration.
Alanna says
Haha, thanks! Glad to know someone appreciates my nerdiness. :)
Sully Sullivan says
I should have started commenting so much sooner.
First, I'm glad to hear you're working with a literary agent on a cookbook. You have a lot to offer and I would love having your cookbook on my kitchen bookcase (yes, I'm that hardcore). I really think that what doomed your last project, more than anything else, was that you had the wrong editor. Perhaps his numbers were honest and his negotiations fair, but when you cannot get comfortable you do not have a basis for collaboration. I'm something of a Julia Child groupie--I grew up in the town where she lived and my family knew her on a first-name basis--so I'll again make reference to the fact that it took nine years to publish MTAOFC. Now that you're underway with cookbookery in earnest, I really can't recommend strongly enough a read of "As Always, Julia," if you haven't cracked the cover yet. It's the correspondence between Mrs Child and Avis DeVoto, who was her advocate and eventual dear friend as the book traveled from publisher to publisher. You'll enjoy it: it's proto-feminism, anti-McCarthyism, culinary history, and great humor in epistolary form. Get it--it will energize you for the project.
Second, did I miss a step or did you simply lay raw stalks of rhubarb on your pastry cream without fussing with the boiling and cups of sugar and whatnot? Because I have always felt guilty about rhubarb. I know I'm supposed to enjoy it as an East-Coast localvore but it has always been too much stewing and stirring in summertime for what is basically the poor-man's lemon substitute. So if you're telling me that high heat in the oven skips that step, you made a rhubarb convert. Thanks!
Alanna says
Hi, Sully! This is pretty much my favorite note ever - thank you for putting a huge smile on my face!
You are exactly right about that editor and myself not jibing; if we had been able to communicate more easily, the whole thing would have felt like less of a daunting struggle. There were just too many strikes against the project, and I might have tolerated the other problems had it seemed financially worth it, but it just seemed like it wasn't going to pay off monetarily or emotionally. I already do enough labor-of-love type jobs, so I didn't need a long-term one complete with a binding contract, thank you very much. Ok, .
I'm fascinated by your connection with Julia Child! How cool. I'm looking for a new book to read and that one sounds perfect - thank you for the recommendation. My mom actually gave me two Julia books for Hanukkah - both about cats 'cause we are crazy cat ladies, which I'm loving.
And yes, the raw rhubarb stalks go straight into the oven and miraculously cook until tender! I used to think rhubarb needed to have the dickens cooked out of it, but when I learned that some people eat the stuff raw, I decided to throw caution to the wind. Let me know what you think if you give it a whirl! You'll not consider it a poor man's lemon substitute anymore, I'm pretty certain. Cheers!
Ileana says
I'll take Roy's piece! :)
Alanna says
Ha! :)
Monet says
I have no doubt you will find the perfect agent who will champion you and your beautiful work. Your posts are so inspiring to me...and I know they're inspiring to many others. This tart is gorgeous. I don't know if I could want a dessert more!
Alanna says
Aw, thank you, Monet, for the kind and encouraging words. <3
Stephanie @ Girl Versus Dough says
These photos -- WOW. And if you need anyone to take the rest of this tart off your hands, I happen to LOVE rhubarb. ;)
P.S. Just read your post about the cookbook deal and it is so informative and inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
Alanna says
Thanks, Stephanie! Yes - I need all the help I can get! Thanks for reading the other post and for the kind words!
Isadora @ She Likes Food says
I am obsessed with your "action" shots in this post!! Literally can't stop looking at them! Can I please move in with you? I promise I won't complain when you ask me to help you eat all the baked goods you are testing :) I really enjoy the tartness of rhubarb and love that you used the whole stalks. These looks absolutely delicious! I'm off to go get sucked into Buzzfeed quizzes :)
Alanna says
Aw! Thanks, Isadora! I had so much fun taking them. Please move in with me and help eat the sweets and take the quizzes!
Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar says
This tart is totally stunning. Love it!
Alanna says
Thanks, Katrina!
Carol at Wild Goose Tea says
Oh my goodness you have been a baking dynamo!!!! Truly you would be too big to get thru the door to your Yoga class if 1) you didn't go to class to start with 2) that you gave away some of your culinary efforts to the yoga teachers. I was not expecting this technique for the tart. Wild! I like it. Easy and the fruit is straight up, right there.
Alanna says
Seriously! Thanks, Carol! I was pretty thrilled that the rhubarb cooked down so well without any fussing, too. :)
Karen @ HonestlyYUM says
Oh cookbook recipe testing- how exciting! That honey shot is JUST INCREDIBLE.
Alanna says
Aw! Thanks, Karen!
Regula says
Hello again!
Beautiful photography Alanna, so happy I found your blog through our cookbook stories!
This must be the prettiest rubarb tart I've seen ever!
I've been trying to grow it myself but I am such an awful gardener that the slugs eat everything before I do!
Alanna says
Hi, Regula! Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm so glad to have found your site, too. I know about awful gardening - my plants are all infested with aphids. Boo, slugs! I hope they leave your rhubarb alone so that you may enjoy some of its loveliness.
Valerie Gamine says
I have been stalking your blog for quite a while; it's absolutely lovely (I'm slightly jealous of your mad photography skills!). :)
This rhubarb tart is lush and brilliant! I'm slowly starting to introduce myself to the world of gf baking.
Also, yoga is the way to go! I'm too lazy to run and have found that yoga & pilates help balance my baking addiction. :D
Alanna says
Valerie! Thanks so much for saying so. I've been stalking *your* blog and am jealous of *your* mad photo skills! I've been finding GF baking a fun challenge, and so gratifying as I feel better eating a low-gluten diet and about half the people I know are doing the same. Thanks for reading, and for your sweet note!
Nik Sharma says
Alanna, your photography and recipes are simply gorgeous! I do hope the cookbook thing works out for you, it will all work out. By the way, I just moved to the Bay Area two weeks ago and I'm worried that I've completely missed rhubarb season, I can't seem to find it anywhere in the farmer's markets.
Alanna says
Hi, Nik! Wow, I feel the same way about your photos! Thanks a bunch for the kind words of encouragement. And welcome to the Bay Area! I don't go to farmer's markets that often, though I don't recall ever seeing rhubarb there, either. I usually get it at Rainbow grocery co-op in SF. They should also have it at Berkeley Bowl, and possibly Monterey Market and some Whole Foods. But definitely at Rainbow! I got lucky this time and scored a whole bunch from my sweetie's mom, who grows it in her garden in Santa Cruz. Hope that helps.
I'd love to meet up for coffee sometime if you ever find yourself in the city!
julia says
I saw this and I knew I *had* to make it right away this evening ! It just came out of the oven and is so good! Thank you for sharing :)
Alanna says
Oh! I'm so glad to hear that! Thanks for giving it a go and for the nice note. :)
Winnie says
This is TOO beautiful!
Alanna says
Thanks, Winnie!
Sini | my blue and white kitchen says
This looks so lovely! Perfect, really. Rhubarb is one of my favorite late spring/early summer treats which I can't get enough of. [But please don't eat the leaves as they contain poisonous substances]
Alanna says
Thank you, Sini! I feel the same way about rhubarb, and thanks for the reminder about the poisonous leaves. :)
Thalia @ butter and brioche says
this is so incredibly beautiful... love the recipe and your photography. definitely a recipe worth saving. glad i stumbled across your website, thanks Alanna.
Alanna says
Thank you, Thalia! What a sweet thing to say. Your site is lovely, too - I'm glad to know of it!
Les VINAT says
I love your blog, your picture, your cooking design ( This recipe is so graphic!)
Please tell me your story, are you a photographer -so sophisticated work! ( This is a compliment)
How long for such a post?
Alanna says
Thanks! These posts take me probably around 12 hours to make. You can learn more about me on my About page. :) Thanks a lot for the kind note!
Anonymous says
Is there something that can be used instead of the sweet rice flour?
Alanna says
Do you mean in the filling or the crust? Gluten-free or not?
Anonymous says
Something that isn't gluten free for the filling
Alanna says
You can use AP flour.
Anonymous says
So I just made this tart (non-gluten free version) and it's delicious. It was fun to make and the almond paste is amazing! I picked the rhubarb from my garden and they were a little thin so I wish I used more rhubarb. Next time I think ill cover the entire surface or at least most of it with rhubarb. It comes out so citrus-y and tart and tastes so good with the honey and almond paste. Yum! Make this!
Alanna says
Thanks for making my recipe - so glad you liked it! Extra rhubarb never hurts, huh? ;)