Soaked cashews blended with coconut milk, cocoa, and fresh mint syrup make fudgesicle-like vegan chocolate popsicles that taste like sticking your nose in a bunch of freshly picked mint leaves.

IT'S DONE. I completed the last step of my cookbook yesterday: I packaged up the final round of proofs and shipped them straight to China, where they'll be printed into thousands of books. It's been a wild ride!
Now GIVE ME CHOCOLATE. Chocolate popsicles, to be precise.
Since I handed in my manuscript last fall, friends and family ask, "So, is your book finished?" To which my response has been a weary smile. After 8 months of round-the-clock recipe testing, shooting, editing, coordinating testers, and eating allthesweets, there was STILL so much to do: photos to shoot, edits to make, prints to proof, a jacket to finalize, headshots to take, and pages to be pored over letter by letter to make sure everything was just right. It seemed like it would never end.
But end it did. Now when I'm asked whether the book is finished, I can finally say, "YES!!!! Now please preorder a copy and make the cookbook gods happy. Thank you."
Am I ready for 271 pages of photos, words, and recipes to be printed in permanent ink and spread all over the globe? On the one hand, I'm SO excited to share 100+ brand-new recipes and photos, as well as all the fun facts I learned about alternative grains and flours with the world. There are meltingly tender scones, chewy gooey cookies, fluffy biscuits, peak-of-season fruit pies, nubby tart crusts with outrageously yummy fillings, hearty breakfast fare, and spoonable custards. There's vibrant fruit, sumptuous flours, tasty spirits, tons of chocolate, and all the butter. The gluten-free recipes will please even the staunchest of anti-anti-gluteners, and some will even make vegans happy. And there's plenty of nerding out on alternative grains and flours to help you impress/weird out your friends. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.
On the other hand, I could have continued working on this book for years. As my friend Caterina, who helped me immensely with this project, put it, "They're gonna have to pry that thing from your cold, dead hands."
Speaking of cold hands, let's talk about...
The creamiest vegan mint chocolate popsicle recipe
These chocolate popsicles were inspired by a vegan chocolate mint ice cream that my friend Emma and I shared at a restaurant called Gather. The meal included salad, pizza, glasses of cold rosé, and (of course!) dessert. We got one tiny scoop of ice cream in a ramekin. Though small in quantity, the flavors were anything but. Fresh mint hit like a leafy boxing glove to the jaw smoothed by mellow chocolate and something nutty lurking in the background. The dessert was a bit more icy than expected, but this just made it all the more refreshing, welcome after a rich meal and long day in the kitchen.
I began thinking of how I would recreate the recipe, because one tiny scoop was not enough at all. The extra-easy answer lay in my popsicle mold.
How to Make Chocolate Popsicles
These mint chocolate popsicles are a snap to prepare and even easier to eat. Cashews get a quick soak in boiling water and puree into a smooth base along with fresh mint syrup, coconut milk, and plenty of good cocoa powder. A drop of peppermint extract sharpens the flavor. The pops are just sweet enough, with enough iciness to refresh, and enough creamy richness to feel like a treat.
*Thanks for reading! For more Bojon Gourmet in your life, follow along on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest, or subscribe to receive new posts via email. And if you make these creamy vegan mint chocolate popsicles, I’d love to see! Tag me on Instagram @The_Bojon_Gourmet and #bojongourmet.*

Creamy Chocolate Mint Popsicles {vegan}
Print Recipe Pin RecipeIngredients
- ¾ cup raw, unsalted cashews (100 g)
- ½ cup organic granulated cane sugar (100 g)
- 1 cup water (235 ml)
- 1 ½ - 2 cups packed fresh mint leaves, from 1 large or 2 small bunches (50 g)
- ¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder or raw cacao powder (60 g)
- pinch salt
- ¼ teaspoon peppermint extract (optional – if needed to sharpen flavors)
- 1 can full-fat coconut milk (13.5 ounce / 398 ml)
- Place the cashews in a heatproof bowl, cover with an inch or two of boiling water, and soak 1 hour.
- Meanwhile, combine the sugar and 1 cup water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil, swirling to dissolve the sugar. Add the mint leaves, remove the pot from the heat, cover and steep 5 minutes. Strain the syrup, reserving the liquid, pressing the leaves to extract all the good stuff, and discarding the leaves.
- Drain the soaked cashews and place in a blender with a splash of the syrup. Blend the cashews until silky smooth, gradually adding enough syrup to turn the mixture and scraping down the sides of the blender occasionally, increasing the speed to high, 3-5 minutes. Add the cocoa powder, salt, peppermint extract (if using), and coconut milk, and any remaining syrup, and blend until smooth.
- Divide the mixture among your popsicle molds, leaving 1/4 - 1/2 inch at the top, and place the popsicle sticks in the molds. Freeze and unmold according to the popsicle maker instructions.
- The popsicles will keep airtight in the freezer for at least several weeks.
Lily | Kale & Caramel says
I have a million thoughts running through my mind at this very second about all you've written here, but all I can manage to get out right now is: THESE POPSICLES. And all those other popsicles you link to at the post's end! Your flavor profiles are plucked straight from my dreams. Cannot wait to make these this summer. That said, holy f*ck am I excited that you are really, truly DONE. I'm in that bardo state where it all seems never done, and I'm just thrilled beyond that you've broken through to the other side. I know your book is going to be beyond exquisite. Cannot wait to make every damn thing. MAZEL TOV!!!
Alanna says
Awwww, thank you so much Lily!! I feel the same way about all your flavor combos. And don't you worry: it WILL be done before you know it! Hang in there, my dear. <3
Ksenia @ At the Immigrant's Table says
So, so happy for you. You must feel completely drained but also accomplished - as you should. It's been a lot of work, but it WILL be worth it when you're holding that creation in your hands, poring over the pages of photographs, and knowing you made it happen. And these popsicles!!!! I can't even.
Alanna says
Thank you Ksenia! That's exactly how I feel. <3
valentina says
Yayyyy for the cookbook, you know I totally know the feeling ;)
Btw, the weather here in Italy is terrible, I left Sf and suddenly it's sunny and hot -_- It's not fair
Alanna says
Omg, totally. I can't imagine how I'll feel when I see the pages all printed, like that photo you posted. Eep! Boo for the bad weather! When are you coming back? ;)
Lili @ Travelling oven says
I am so happy for you dear Alanna, it must feel amazing to finish something like your own cookbook! I will definitely be getting my copy as I love all your recipes and photography and I'm also on a path of eating healthier and healing with food for the last couple of years so your book sounds just perfect. Congratulations and can't wait to have it on my shelf! By the way, these popsicles...yum! :-)
Alanna says
You're so sweet, Lili - thank you!
Sasha Swerdloff says
These are exactly what I want right now! Can't wait to make a batch. And such beautiful photos. Can't wait for the cookbook.
Alanna says
Thank you so much, Sasha!
Sarah | Well and Full says
Congratulations, girl!! Your cookbook must have been such a labor of love and I can imagine how hard it was to hand it over in the end. I'm such a perfectionist too!! But I know the final result is going to be amazing!! :)
Alanna says
You totally get it. Thanks, Sarah! Fingers crossed.
Allie | In This Kitchen says
Congrats congrats congrats!!! You deserve a good break! Cannot wait for your book.
Alanna says
Thanks, Allie!
Cathleen @ A Taste Of Madness says
Congrats! This must be so exciting/scary!
Also, these popsicles look so good!! Chocolate and mint were meant for each other.
Alanna says
It's very much exciting AND scary! Thanks so much Cathleen - I couldn't agree more re: chocolate and mint. The best!
Carla says
OH. MY. HEAVENS. You can preorder now! (So I did. :))
I'll reward myself by making these popsicles.
Alanna says
Awwwww, thank you, Carla! That totally makes my day. <3
Angela - Patisserie Makes Perfect says
These are amazing - I cannot believe how good they look. I love these ice lolly moulds too - they're just perfect.
Alanna says
Thanks, Angela! I fought hard to get them:
Amisha says
Congrats Alanna! I am so excited for you and the book! BTW I pre-ordered it and cannot wait to get the book in my hands! I know it will be gorgeous as is your writing, your recipes and your gorgeous pics! Three cheers to you! Hope you are having a mini celebration for a milestone completed! :) These popsicles look simply amazing and I would not mind a couple at all ;) Gather sounds wonderful, and hopefully I can make it there one of these days!
Alanna says
Aw, thank you so much for preordering, Amisha - that means a lot. <3 I know you will LOVE Gather! Such yummy, innovative food.
Brian @ A Thought For Food says
Congratulations, Alanna! This is HUGE news and you deserve a little time for yourself now that it's done. And I'm sure once you hold that first copy in your hands, you'll realize just how worth it all that work was. Can't wait to get mine!!!
These cashew milk popsicles sound just delightful! I'm always blown away by what one can do with nut/nut milk. The perfect summer treat!
Alanna says
Do I deserve a Cherry Mind Eraser too, oh please oh please?! ;)
Matt says
These are beautiful! My boys would go crazy for a few of these.
Alanna says
Aw, thanks, Matt!
gerry @ foodness gracious says
Congrats, that book is going to be stellar! Just like these pops :)
Alanna says
Thanks, Gerry!!
ellie | from scratch, mostly says
Yayyyyyyy, congratulations, girl!!! Can't believe you did all that AND blogged regularly. It gives me hope that ENFPs DO get things done, and well, too. ;)) And I'm impressed time and again at how everything can be veganized these days. This looks legitimately like what you would buy at the store, but prettier, of course.
Alanna says
Haha, totally! I'm right between P and J, but all my best girl friends are ENFPs, so here's hoping! Thanks for the kind words. <3
Megan {Country Cleaver} says
Congrats on such a huge step!! These are the best way to celebrate!
Alanna says
Thanks Megan! Agreed. :)
Brandon says
1. Congratulations on the cookbook progress!! Can't wait to see the finished book. I'm sure it'll be gorgeous. 2. I need these fudge pops in my life ASAP. Love that they are vegan too.
Alanna says
Thanks, Brandon!
Sara Wiseman says
Hi Alanna, I just made your pops and they are great. I didn't add the fresh mint; instead I just added extra of the peppermint extract. I haven't been a huge fan of fresh mint in desserts for some reason.
I will be making these again!
Alanna says
Glad to know that works. Thanks for the note and for giving them a go!
Carrie @ Bakeaholic Mama says
These look so delicious, simple and perfect for these hot summer temps coming out way!
Alanna says
Thanks, Carrie!
Kris says
These are already made, in my freezer, waiting for us to dive into tonight! Can't wait. :) Wanted to ask if you have any tips for getting them out of the molds, still looking as smooth as yours do in the pictures? I seem to have so much trouble with this particular mold! Hope you're well. I haven't been commenting lately, but I wanted to tell you that I'm still UTTERLY in love with your site. :) xoxo
Alanna says
Yay! I'm so happy that you made them! Oh man, getting pops out of molds is not my forte. I usually dunk each one in a glass of hot water for 5 seconds or so, then yank it out. They tend to get suctioned in there! So sometimes wiggling it around helps. Then I immediately stick it on a pan lined with parchment in the freezer to prevent any more melting. FYI, my second batch didn't look nearly as pretty as the ones in these photos. :) Also, CONGRATULATIONS Kris!!! I saw your Facebook photo and I'm SO happy for you! <3
Sarah @ SnixyKitchen says
I am so so so stinkin' proud of all the blood, sweat, and tears (literally) you've put into this book! I'm just SO EXCITED TO GET IT IN MY HANDS. Also - these pops are everything. I feel like the luckiest friend ever to have had my own stash.
Alanna says
Luckiest friend ever = me! Thank you for the constant help, listening to a million rants, and putting up with my insanity over the last 1.5 years. I owe you more than just a few lousy popsicles. <3
Juliet says
Oh, these look wonderful, and I'm so excited about your book!
I do have a question though regarding the recipe - do you add all of the mint syrup? I would think you would for the sweetness, but it isn't exactly clear in your recipe. Thank you!!
Congratulations on your book! Ordering, now!
Alanna says
Aw, thanks for getting my book, that means to much to me! Please let me know how you like it. As for the pops, yes, you do add the rest of the syrup. Apologies for the recipe vagueness and thanks for catching it - I've updated the instructions to clarify! Let me know how you like the pops! Happy summer. :)
Savannah Meza says